We were saddened to learn that Billy (Sonny) Thompson died on the evening of Friday, March 6, 2015 after learning fairly recently that he had acute leukemia. Our sincere sympathy goes out to his entire family.
When more information is known, we will post details here.
Alona Stewart (Weddine)
I remember Billy as being very studious, and a very serious person. He always seemed to strive toward excellence, and it appears from all we know of him today, he reached that goal! He was a very, very kind man, and I am glad to have had him as a classmate.
Alona Stewart Weddine
Beth Tarte (Tucker **)
So very sorry to hear of the loss of Billy. He was a very dear friend during high school. Prayers for all of his family.
Michael Cathey **
Billy and I were best friends, and next door neighbors, for many years as we were growing up. It is easy to bring those old memories to the front: Playing in Irwin Creek, and falliing IN the creek, playing ball on the field at Harding(We lived on N. Sycamore). Although we had grown apart after high school, I always had a special part of me that was for Sonny.
Randy Alexander
Bill (Sonny) and I grew up together, played together, went to high school and Charlotte College together. He introduced me to who would later become my wife. We were in each others weddings. We sat together at the Harding High 50th reunion. I'll miss you Bill. Thanks for everything!
Frances Hatley (Singleton)
Billy Thompson (Sonny) and I went to school together for 12 years. We started first Grade at Wesley Heights and finished at Harding. I am so very sorry to hear of his passing. He was always such a very nice and considerate person. He will be greatly missed.