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Mary Aken (Posey)
Walton Aldred Jr
James Alexander
Randy Alexander
Johnny Allison
Donnie Almond
J. C. Almond
Wayne Anderson
Coley Andrews
Billie Askew (Gordon)
James Atkinson
Perry Babcock
J. W. Bailey
Lois Bartlett (Lee)
Paul Bechtold
Sue Ann Benton (Kovec)
Brenda Black (Turner)
James Blackwood
Donna Brooks (Rogers)
Bob Broome
Pamela Burns (Hyde)
Johnny Butler
Richard Cabaniss
Edward R. Caldwell Jr
Linda Carter (Griffin)
Peggy Cartwright (Russo)
Michael Cathey
Mary Ellen Christenbury (Edwards)
Betty Jean Clark (Williams)
Doris Ann Cline (Tyler)
Duane Coggin
Brian Donald Cole
Earl Conway
Jeanette Cope (Rollins)
Patricia Corn
John Crosby
Lawrence (Larry) Currie Jr
Marlene Dixon (Christenbury)
Dorothy Doster (Baucom)
Jim Drye
Brenda Dyer (Kellough)
Noel Eaton (Fulcher)
Charles Edwards Jr
Sarah Elder
Lois Elliott
Diane Ennis (Scruggs)
Gail Estep (West)
John Eudy *
Nancy Farris (Moore)
Judy Fesperman (Ross)
Patsy Fink (McSwain)
Rita Flowe (Williams)
Maxine Foster (Wynn)
Lowell B Francis
Judie Frazier (Walters)
Gilbert Freeman
Johnny Furr
Martha Garris (Edwards)
Gerald Gibson
Pat Gibson (Brown)
Virginia Giles (Bryan)
William Giles
Sammy Gillian
Jack Gordon
Marcus Gordon
Margaret Gordon (Singletary)
Carroll Grant
Judy Greene (Gilland)
Vann Griffin
Tony Hancock
Cooter Hardman
Ann Hart (Deutsch)
Frances Hatley (Singleton)
Linda Helderman (DeLuca)
Barbara Helms (Parks)
Dean Helms
Jesse Helms
William Henderson
Larry Hinson
Mary Holland (Bentley)
Joan Hucks (Dotson)
Magdlene Hughes (Beam)
Rex Hyde
Carol Ingram (Mauldin)
Kenneth Irving
Furla Jones (McAlpine)
Harry Jones
Pat Jones (Lee)
Ronnie Joyce
Nancy Julian (Hadaway)
Lewis R. Justice
Ernest Keith
(Martha) Jane Kelly (Price)
Pat Kelly (Power)
Jo Ann Kennedy (Mellinger)
Jerry Kimsey
Richard King
Robert Lane
Lewis Lane
Rena Langford (Freeman)
Charlotte Lawing (Martin)
Charles Lee
Cy Lemmond
Jane Little
Linda Lockshire (Mullis)
Patricia Lovelace (Moore)
William Lowe
Wayne Thomas Lowery
Barbara Manus (Carmack)
Larry Martin
Lorry Martin
Mary Ann Matthews (Taylor)
Dawn McCallum (Webber)
Judy McCallum (Pinkard)
Gail McCord (Fraleigh)
Don McCorkle
Madeline McCorkle (Allen)
Bobby McIlroy
Bob Melton
Sylvia Miles (Woodrow)
Donald Miller
Mary Karl Miller (Swink)
Robert Miller
Tony Monroe
Elaine Moore
Rainey Moose (Helms)
Lloyd Morris Jr
Donna Mullis (Phillips)
Gloria Mullis (Blackwood)
Jatana Mullis (Bremer)
Judy Nantz (Grigg)
Rose Ann Nave (Willis)
Beverly Neal (Furr)
Patsy Outen (James)
Charles Glenn Painter
Linda Parham (Plyler)
Joyce Pate
Martha Patterson (Pringle)
Ray Patterson
Betty Peeler (Tyndall)
Ruth Perrell (Perry)
Jim Pringle
Ralph Reichard
Jo Ann Reid (Avant)
Richard Reid
James Rhyne
Kenneth Richardson
Mary Anne Richey (*Locklear)
Barbara Ridge (Owens)
Larry Riley
Bobby Roberts
Diane Robinson (Landstrom)
Frank E Rohleder Jr
Jerry Rollins
Carroll Royster
Jodi Rush (Baumgarten)
Mary Sadler (Blythe)
Margaret Sanders (Wylie)
Phyllis Saunders (Gray)
William Saxon
Eugene Scruggs
Winfred (Fred) Seitz Jr
Rebecca (Becky) Shelnut (Tomczak)
Rae Short
Neal Sigmon (Sigmon)
Kathy Sloan (McIlroy)
Ann Smith (Anderson)
Anna Smith (Cline)
Bennie Smith (Cataldi)
Britt Smith (Smith)
Douglas Smith
Jacquelyn Smith (Linderman)
Joe Smith
Robert Lee Smith
Clay Sparrow
Gary Stanley
Ted Steele
Alona Stewart (Weddine)
Betty Gail Stewart
Duke Stogner
Heath Strawn Jr
Sybil Sweezy (Jenkins)
Buster Tanner
Beth Tarte (Tucker)
Richard Taylor
Thomas William Taylor
Eddie Thomas
William Thompson
Gail Thornhill (Brabham)
Brenda Tillman (McKinney)
Nancy Tippett *
Joyce Trull (Martin)
Dolores Turner (Kale)
Shirley Walls (Jones)
Janice Ward (Bell)
Hadon Ware
Steve Way
Joel Wheeler
Bill Whitfield
Betty Wicker (Cobb)
Linda Wilkie (Wilkinson)
Gary Williams
Helen Williams (Smith)
Betty Wilson (Richardson)
Janet Wilson (Hollifield)
Rose Marie Wilson (Everhardt)
Linda Wise (Breyare-Jones)
Carolyn Workman (Heffner)
Robert (Bob) Wyatt
Billy Yancy
Donald (Tony) Yandle
Jim Zeman (Site Administrator)
Guest Members
Elaine Alexander Giles (Spouse …)
Ed (Eddie) Barbee ('62)
Kay Biggerstaff Anderson (Class…)
Spencer Black
Linda Cook ('62) (Davis)
C. Stephen (Steve) Da…
Nancy Elliott (Newton)
Charles Gayle
Bill Gordon (Class Of '59)
Ralph Hanline (Class Of 1962)
Carole Hunter ('62) (Williams)
Harriet Kelly (Frazier Class Of…)
Glenn Kerns (Class Of '62)
Bill Mitchell
Kathy Moses (McAnulty)
Donald Osborne (Class Of '60)
Beverly Elizabeth Robey (Robinson)
Billy Bruce Rollinson
Robert Sherard (Sherard)
Jimmy Yandle (Class Of '59)
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