Ralph Hanline (Class of 1962)

Profile Updated: June 27, 2017
Residing In: Jekyll Island, GA USA
Occupation: U.S. Marine Vetran, Retired Copper, Retired P.I. O
Children: 47 Year Old Boy and Girl Twins still living in Chicago. Daughter is a Police Officer on Chicago's North More…Shore, where I retired from. My Son is a Finacial Advisor in Downtown Chicago, in the Loop. The Loop is like our old square in Charlotte, but Chicago has four squares in a four block radious, AKA The Loop.
Military Service: The United States Marine Corps  
Yes! Attending Reunion

Now residing in Kings Mountain, NC.

School Story:

What can I say? Sandra Thompson (Sandy) and I were Sweethearts in the Summer of 59. She, her two sisters Judy and Janet Thompson, and their parents, moved to 1716 Cliffwood around early June, and I lived at 1724 Cliffwood Place. They moved upstairs from old Mrs. Price, owner of Price's Poultry, now Price's Chicken Coop. I heard that three Georgia Girls had moved in down the Street, went down there and met Sandra, who promptly ignored me for about two days. Anyways, we became Sweethearts untill school started at Spaugh. I had taken her to a back to school party where she met an older guy whom I wouldn't mention (Gayle Smith where ever you are). And that was the end of that romance. The hard part about that was our parents were good friends, so we still seen each other all through Jr. and Senior High School at the old and new Harding. In late 1962 I left Charlotte for beautiful Parris Island, SC, Marine Corps Recruit Training Depot, where I learned what life was really about. Sandra married Louis Lane and had three Children. I went on to Kaneohe Marine Corps Base in Hawaii for two years. I was an M-60 Machine Gunner for two years, and then to Goose Creek Naval Submarine Base where I was a Military Police Officer on various Polarius Nuclear Submarines. Long story short, Sandra and I got back together in 2007. I closed my 23 year old PI Business in Charlotte, and moved to Jekyll Island, Ga. Sandy and I bought a 42 foot Gibson Boat on the Inter Costal Waterway, got married on the Fly Bridge, and lived aboard her full time for three years while Sandra worked as an RN in Brunswick, GA. We grew tired of that after three years, and Sandra decited to go back on the road as a Traveling RN. We have been traveling around the Gulf Coast of Florida for 15 months now, going back to the boat between assignments. I haven't checked to see how many Class of 61 Grads live here, but a bunch of 62 grads live in Florida, and we have been in contact withn quite a few. We move every 13 weeks, so we hope to see more Harding People. And Thats That!- July 2012 Up Date. After five years as live aboard boat owners, we sold "The Busted Flush" and have move back here to Kings Mountain, NC. Sandy and I are both now retired but manage to keep busy. We keep up with our school activities and always look forward to the get togethers. UP DATE........Sandy and I are now divorced, so I'm available to attractive and wealthy single female classmate! All inquiries answered, but must have new car.

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Feb 02, 2025 at 4:33 AM
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Feb 02, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Jun 27, 2017 at 8:36 AM
Feb 02, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Jan 28, 2017 at 11:46 AM

Hey, J. W., Happy Birthday, Buddy, and many Happy Returns. BTW, do You remember when You lived off Wilkerson Blvd., below the Railroad tracks? You lived in a home with a tin roof, and my friends and I would stand on the tracks and throw ballast rocks down on your roof until you came out yelled at us. We never ran because we knew we could run back to Cliffwood Place before you ever got up the hill to the tracks. Anyways, I happed to drive by the Tire Store on S. Congress St. yesterday going to visit a Friend, Carl Vaughan, who lives in Sharon, and thought of you then, too. Again, Happy Birthday!

Feb 02, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Jun 11, 2015 at 10:49 AM
Feb 02, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Dec 25, 2014 at 6:11 PM

Hey, Judy Fesperman. What a great thing to be born on the same day as Jesus. I hope you have and very Happy Birthday and many happy returns. BTW, I grew up in Matthews on the SW corner of Hgwy. 51 and 74, spending all my summers on my Gran
parents farm there. I actually remember when they build 74. I use to take all the road crews (They were all convicts) grape cool-aid for their breaks.Matthews has grown a tad since then. Merry Christmas, Judy.

May 10, 2014 at 4:01 PM

Happy Birthday, Steve, and many Happy Returns!

Feb 24, 2014 at 2:35 PM

Hey Lewis, Happy Birthday, Buddy. It seems back in Junior High School, you were living on Kingston Ave.?, right around the corner from me on Cliffwood Place. All us Wilmore Boys, me, Eddie Barbee, and Charlie Mouchet, all thought you were a "Tough Guy" and we always wanted to see you and David McManus duke it out. We could never decide who would win. I see you were a "Squid". Can you believe I droped out of Harding in April of my Senior Year in 1962 and joined the Marines (No Regrets)? And don't you regret turning 71 yourself, I just turned 70 in Feb., and that's a priviledge a lot of our Classmates were denied! Hope you enjoy your Birthday.